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Emotion Code Technique

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Emotion Code Therapy, What is ?


It can be done face to face and distance/online.

This straightforward yet effective healing technique works by identifying bad emotions that have been subconsciously stored all the way back to when you were still within your mother's womb. These suppressed emotions lead to suffering, self-destructive behaviour, emotional issues, as well as various types of dysfunction and disease, including physical discomfort, rage, sadness, chronic exhaustion, PTSD, phobias, and panic attacks.

There are a total of 60 negative emotions, and your body's subconscious is essentially the blueprint for it all. The subconscious contains knowledge about you, including the reasons why you have particular experiences or respond in particular ways to particular circumstances.

Trapped Emotions Causes & Symptoms

  • Financial difficulty or bad health

  • A loved one's passing

  • Divorce, or issues in relationships

  • Keeping your sentiments to yourself

  • An abortion or miscarriage

  • Chronic stress, occupational stress, or both

  • Abandonment, betrayal, or rejection

  • Neglect; physical, verbal, or sexual abuse

  • Any traumatic event or PTSD

  • Low self-esteem or self-sabotage

  • Adverse thoughts and opinions about oneself or others

  • Trauma may be mental, physical, or emotional.

Why Emotion Code?


The Emotion Code is an effective technique for locating and releasing bad emotions that have been held captive in the body out of our subconscious brains' desire to keep us from experiencing more pain.


Our quality of life is significantly impacted by our emotions. When compared to high frequency emotions like love and gratitude, low frequency emotions like fear and anger feel very different to us. The latter produces the potent brain and heart coherence that controls our neurological system, establishes equilibrium, and promotes healing in our bodies.


According to epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and quantum biology, experiencing happy emotions has a favourable impact on our biology at the cellular level. When we experience negative emotions, our body, mind, and spirit are negatively affected.

We must release what restricts us in order to be our best selves. We move towards the higher vibrational level necessary to balance, regulate, heal, and thrive when we take ownership of the condition of our energy spirit and match that with healing purpose.

Each emotional state has a unique energy frequency. When emotional energies become lodged in the body, the frequency disrupts your entire energy field, your thoughts, and your mood. It can also cause an imbalance affecting the organs and tissues.

The Consciousness Scale developed by Dr. David Hawkins demonstrates how negative emotions vibrate at significantly lower frequencies and have an impact on your outlook on life, health, and experiences.

The imbalances can be eliminated with the help of released negative emotions, enabling your body to repair itself and resulting in a healthier and happier existence as you resonate more good energy!

Negative emotions can be released by allowing ourselves to feel them, but because we don't do this often, they tend to get stuck. Fortunately, we can locate and quickly release your imprisoned emotions using emotional release therapy, and more specifically, the Emotion Code technique.


Trapped Emotions: What Are They?


Negative emotional energies from prior experiences, traumas, or abuse are known as trapped emotions. Trapped emotions can result in a wide range of "symptoms," such as health issues as well as problems with relationships, success, or the job.

They can prevent people from finding true happiness and love and leave them feeling distant or lonely.

The tissues, organs, and general state of health of the body are all affected by trapped emotions since they are made of energy, just like the rest of the body. Emotions that are suppressed can cause harm, dysfunction, and even illness. Additionally, suppressed emotions can have a significant impact on your thinking, decision-making, and response to day-to-day challenges.


Consider trapped emotions as energy bubble that may become lodged inside the body. Depending on the specific emotion, they vibrate at various frequencies. The imprisoned emotion, or negative vibration, frequently affects the area of the body where it is stuck, but it can also throw off balance and general well-being.


Trapped emotions are not detected in groups or bundles but separately and released one at a time.

Every bottled-up emotional energy has value in your life.

You've been impacted by all of them in one way or another. Each derives from a particular moment or experience that you or another person who you inherited or absorbed the energy from both experienced. 


These energies have a variety of effects on us and cause both bodily and mental difficulties, issues, and pains of all kinds.

Regardless of where they came from, they can undoubtedly have an effect on your life. Sometimes having your emotions confined can be agonising! You could uncover trapped emotions nestled in the location of pain when such severe pain is present.

The body can restore its full capacity for healing by balancing itself by releasing imprisoned emotions. You might see a significant reduction in the severity of your emotional and physical problems by using the Emotion Code.

Dancing in Park

Obtain equilibrium and
inner tranquilly.

How is the process to release trapped emotions?


Your practitioner can effectively and painlessly release your underlying trapped emotions by following a straightforward 4-step process:



Your body's super-intelligent computer system is your subconscious mind. It is fully aware of what you require to attain harmony in the five main pillars of health—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual—and understands just how to get you there. Your emotional release practitioner will energetically connect with your subconscious mind using her intuitive abilities and with your confirmations during the session of the investigation. This will make it possible to learn truths that only your subconscious mind can.


Once energetically connected to your subconscious, your practitioner will use specific questioning, charts of emotions, and muscle testing to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed.  These questions are carefully thought out with specific intention to expose the trapped emotions that are depressing your optimal health.


Your practitioner will establish an energetic connection to your subconscious and then use specific questioning, emotion charts, and muscle testing to elicit detailed responses from your subconscious regarding any imbalances in your body that require correction. These questions have been carefully considered with the aim of revealing the suppressed emotions that are harming your overall health.


The Emotion Code technique blends tried-and-true traditional medical concepts with cutting-edge therapeutic magnet technology to release constrained emotions or repair energetic imbalance. Your practitioner will release the constrained emotions from your body using the power of intention, and you will confirm the release with your body using muscle testing.

Balancing Rocks

Do I feel anything when the emotions are being released?


You could! Many of my clients have described different feelings as the energy leaves them. These include yawning (which is a major sign of energy release! ), feeling cold, experiencing nausea, experiencing a brief headache, occasionally burping, feeling a surge of energy from the centre out to the hands and feet, and more. Everything is based on your physique. My clients occasionally just experience the specific emotion we are releasing, such as sadness or anger. They may also experience nothing at all, which is acceptable and usual.

What next, what happen after the Trapped Emotions are released?


Your body is well aware of how many emotions it may want to release at once and in what order. During your session, your practitioner will assist you in getting the answers you need from your body. Your body has all the control.. nothing will happen without your body and energy consent.


In a thirty minute session, you will typically be able to recognise and release five to ten trapped emotions. This is normal, but occasionally you could discover that your body will only let you express two or three emotions in a session.

Put your faith in the your body's wisdom! Trust you body!

When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload.  When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally.  This usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people.  Again, your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.


Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward.  How many trapped emotions are involved in one issue you are having varies as well.  The whole process set for you!

Everyone can experience Healing

Children & Teenager also experience trapped emotions!!!


It's a prevalent fallacy that only adults may benefit from this type of emotional release treatment. Children are frequently considered to be too young and innocent to amass the additional baggage that we as adults have accumulated over the years. Sadly, kids also experience emotions and require support.

The fact is that children and teenagers endure a variety of difficulties, and it can be challenging for parents to comprehend their child's viewpoint and the effects that exposure to the outside world might have on them. The Emotion Code deals with the imbalances' underlying causes, which might be either spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical.

  • Will be receiving a vaccine or just did

  • High sensitivity, anxiety, or strong emotional reactions

  • Social problems or low self-esteem

  • Obsessive fear or worry

  • Difficulties with self-image or an eating disorder

  • Possess knowledge of abuse (physical,

  • (Emotional, bodily, and sexual)

  • Depression or a change in mood

  • A victim of bullying or a bully themselves

  • Experiencing their parents' divorce

  • working hard or struggling in school

  • after a dental or medical operation

  • Night terrors, nightmares, and bedwetting

  • Children of indigo, crystal, and rainbow

  • traumatic delivery or any injury or trauma as a child

  • OCD, ODD, or ADHD

  • PDD-NOS, Asperger Syndrome, or Autism

  • A physical ailment or chronic sickness

  • Having trouble with your spiritual gifts​

Even kids who don't have any imbalances can profit from receiving energy therapy as part of their regular wellness regimen. Sessions work to maintain a healthy and high-vibrational energy field, which is crucial to overall welfare. They also release repressed negative emotions and other imbalances that may not yet be visibly hurting the kid.


You can test teenagers, kids, and babies of any age, whether they can speak or not. Most frequently, we discover trapped emotions in a child that date back to their time in the womb. Although occasionally they can come from the father or even someone else living with the family at the time, such as a grandmother, grandfather, or sibling, these emotions are typically those of the mother during pregnancy.


Children can develop imprisoned emotions during any event in their life, including childbirth, school, family gatherings, and family events. Their behaviour may be impacted by these suppressed emotions, which may also result in relationship and learning problems.

For the entire family, emotional release therapy is a fantastic choice! It is a wise investment to work on improving family interactions.

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