How different types of Reiki session works

Online Reiki
Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be done at a distance online.
Reiki session online over Teams or Whatsapp might work:
Scheduling the session: The first step is to schedule a time + day for the session with me and payment confirmation done. This can typically be done through my website or messaging me directly (sms or whatsapp). I usually provide instructions on how to prepare for the session, such as finding a quiet space where you won't be interrupted.
New Client: Prior to the session I will need you to fill out a client form, will probably happen on the week, if is an existing client there is no need.​
Connecting over Zoom: At the scheduled time, I will send you a link and we will both log onto Teams or Whatsapp and connect to each other through video conferencing. It is important to make sure you have a reliable internet connection and that your device's camera and microphone are working properly.
Setting intentions: Before the session begins, I will likely ask you to set an intention for the healing. This could be something specific you want to work on, such as reducing anxiety or improving sleep, or it could be a more general intention for overall well-being.
Starting the session: Once the intention is set, I will begin the session. I will ask you to lie down or sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Then I will then use various hand positions or visualizations to channel energy to you.
Checking in: Throughout the session, I may check in with you to see how you are feeling and if you are experiencing any sensations or emotions. I may also provide guidance or suggestions for how to work with the energy in the coming days.
Ending the session: When the session is complete, the practitioner will close the session and offer any final guidance or feedback. You can then disconnect from Teams or Whatsapp call and take some time to rest and integrate the healing energy. I may also provide guidance or suggestions for how to work with the energy in the coming days.

Distance Reiki
Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be done at a distance.
Reiki session at distance might work:
Scheduling the session: For this session no time or day needs to be booked only payment. I will send Reiki according to my schedule but client will be notified when it will happen on the week agreed so if available, you can lie down to receive it. If not, is fine too. This can typically be done through my website or messaging me directly (sms or whatsapp). I usually provide instructions on how to prepare for the session, such as finding a quiet space where you won't be interrupted.
New Client: Prior to the session I will need you to fill out a client form, will probably happen on the week, if is an existing client there is no need.
Connecting over Teams/Whatsapp: No need
Setting intentions: When client schedule a session, during the initial conversation I will ask client to set the intention for that reiki session. This could be something specific you want to work on, such as reducing anxiety or improving sleep, or it could be a more general intention for overall well-being.
Starting the session: Once the intention is set, I will begin the session. I will notify you when I`m sending Reiki so you can lie down or sit comfortably with your eyes closed on that time, if not, Is ok too. I will then use various hand positions or visualizations to channel energy to you from a distance, may use a paper, teddy bear, or a crystal, anything that can help me with my visualization and channelling my energy.
After sending Reiki: After I send Reiki to you, I will message client and give the feed back what I seen and felt and I will check in with you to see how you are feeling and if you are experiencing any sensations or emotions. I may also provide guidance or suggestions for how to work with the energy in the coming days.

Group Distance Reiki
Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be done at a distance.
I'm excited to announce that I will be hosting a Distance Reiki Session Group every 2 weeks!
These sessions will last for 30 minutes each and the cost is £10 per session.
Reiki session at distance might work:
Scheduling the session: For this session no time or day needs to be booked only payment. I will send Reiki according to my schedule but group will be notified when it will happen on the week agreed so if available, you can lie down to receive it. If not, is fine too.
To participate, simply make your payment prior to the session date so I can confirm the names of those who will be included.
New Client: Prior to the session I will need you to fill out a client form, will probably happen on the week, if is an existing client there is no need.
Connecting over Teams/Whatsapp: No need
Setting intentions: Each week, we will set a different intention or topic for the session. Sometimes, I may even ask the group what they would like to receive Reiki. This will be something specific we will to work on, such as reducing anxiety or improving sleep, or it could be a more general intention for overall anxiety related issue.
Starting the session: Once the intention is set, I will begin the session. I will notify group when I`m sending Reiki so you can lie down or sit comfortably with your eyes closed on that time, if not, Is ok too. I will then use various hand positions or visualizations to channel energy to you from a distance, may use a paper, teddy bear, or a crystal, anything that can help me with my visualization and channelling my energy.
After sending Reiki: After I send Reiki to you, I will message client and give the feed back what I seen and felt and I will check in with you to see how you are feeling and if you are experiencing any sensations or emotions. I may also provide guidance or suggestions for how to work with the energy in the coming days.