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Healing Journey Method - 1:1 Coaching Therapy

Image by Fuu J

"Unhealthy" Anxiety, is making you feel paralyzed, over thinking or worrying about everything, having obsessive thoughts, physical symptoms appear like fast heart beating, sweating, insomnia, muscle pain, diarrhoea...the list goes on right!!!?? Relationship problems with family, friends and attracting the wrong type of partner that may turn out to be an abusive relationship that makes you feel worse.

Does that sound familiar at all?

This Healing Journey Method will allow me to work with you using this personalised method to help heal your "Unhealthy" anxiety, shift it to a normal and healthy anxiety, that only shows up when it is needed in a balanced positive way. I will guide and support you on this path and I will give you the tools and techniques to manage even the normal anxiety.

We will transform this "Unhealthy" anxiety into performance and success. 

In the Healing Journey Method, you will have a 1:1 private therapy session for about 1hr 20min where we will look at the root cause of your Unhealthy Anxiety.

Embarking on a Healing Journey takes courage and determination, and I will be with you through-out this journey.

Together, we will unlock your inner strength and empower you to thrive in the corporate world like never before!

 £60 - 1hr 20min Session

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